
Mt. Fuji World Heritage Centre Support Volunteers

Support volunteers help with Centre operations, educational outreach, library management and environmental beautification as a means of helping connect the Centre with visitors and the local community.

Volunteer Numbers

Currently, there are 140 registered volunteers who are high school age or older, and have completed three volunteer training sessions.

Activity Days

Approximately two days per month

Activity Times

Volunteer activities in the Centre operate on a shift schedule.

Shift Schedule

Activity Times




A Shift

9:00 am – 12:30 pm

8:50 am

12:40 pm


B Shift

1:30 pm – 4:00 pm

12:20 am

4:10 pm


Linked A to B

9:00 am – 4:00 pm

8:50 am

4:10 pm

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

No travel reimbursement, remuneration, etc., is provided.

Activity Content

Operational Support [Operations Group]

Personnel coordination and guidance
Assisting elderly and disabled visitors (sloped ramp, etc.)
Helping visitors from overseas
Helping with commemorative photo-taking
Guiding general visitor groups

Educational Outreach [Outreach Group]

Guiding visitors to the movie theater
Supporting visits by educational groups
Assisting with classes, etc., in the Centre
Distributing fliers for classes in the Centre, preparing materials for classes, etc.
Preparing the lecture room environment

Library [Library Group]

Assisting the Mt. Fuji Library librarians
Organizing and arranging library contents
Helping prepare materials for researcher investigation and study

Environmental Beautification [Environmental Group]

Assisting with beautification in and around the Centre
Planting and weed removal
The next round of applications is scheduled for January 31, 2019.